Saturday, January 11, 2014

Vampires and Nannies

Continuing on...

In the weeks since coming back to work, the kids and I went on quite a few adventures. The first outing we all went on, was to the Zoo, with my good friend Cati, her daughter, and the two kids she nannies. I believe Annabelle was only 5 weeks at the time, and I definitely got some looks from people! I assume they were thinking... "What the heck lady, why do you have your newborn out in this 'freezing' Texas January weather?" or... "Man, she's sure been busy." <- This last one is a look I have definitely become familiar with!

While Annabelle was a newborn, and did nothing at all, parenthood was fantastic, and stress free. ;) Right from the beginning, she slept about 3 hours at a time during the day, and about 6 hours at night! However, we were some of the lucky ones whose child started teething at 3 months! WOO HOO! This was super fun, and I was so thankful everyday for the hours and hours of feedings, and the hours and hours of being awake through the night! All sarcasm aside, it took a LONG time for those teeth to finally come in. If I remember correctly, she got 4 teeth at once, around 5 months. She also looked like a vampire for over a month after that, as her very front teeth did not want to come in! Lol. Before you get too worried, her front teeth arrived prior to Halloween, so she did not feel obligated to be a vampire. Also, you should know that this week alone, she cut 6 more teeth, including her 4 molars! Big girl. Sleepy Mom.
 <--- Vampire, right?

Getting back to her younger months...

I remember one day, I took all 3 little munchkins to Target. Annabelle decided she needed to throw a fit for about the last 15 minutes we were there, and of course, there's really not much one can do to calm her, other than offer up a boob. Since that wasn't an option at the time, other shoppers got to enjoy the sweet melodious sounds of my child's cry! How lucky, right?! Anyway, the woman comes over, snatches up Annabelle's hand, and proceeds to tell me, "I used to be a Nanny, so I know how to calm her down." Oh man, lady... wrong person, wrong time! I usually let things slide pretty well, but not when it comes to the kids! So I respond with something like... "HEY! She is very young, and who knows where your hands have been? Frickin nasty! Now I have to take her out of her seat, take all 3 kids into the bathroom, and wash her hands. Thanks so much for knowing how to calm my child down, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't ever touch her again. A Nanny might know not to touch people without permission. BACK OFF!" Hehehehehe. It's a good memory. Don't touch the kids, people.

Aren't memories fun?!! More to come! :D

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