Wednesday, January 22, 2014


I would love to pretend that embarrassing moments don't happen to me! But, anyone who has ever known me, knows that I am a magnet to embarrassment! Since becoming a mother, these moments happen so often, and I thought I would share some (that may be equally as awkward for the witnesses)!

First, I remember when I first came back to work, the days were pretty blurred together, as we were all adjusting to having another baby in the home! Well, I was nursing Annabelle on the couch, when there was a knock at the door. So, I had made her stop eating, and walked to the door, and had a nice conversation with, I believe the Terminix man. When I closed the door, and went to finish nursing, I had realized that I had never closed my shirt!!! Oh my goodness, that poor poor man. Nobody wants to see that, for real. I guarantee he was more embarrassed than I, but for goodness sake, he could have told me!

Anyway, another moment of true bliss happened earlier this evening. With the allergies being so bad this month, I've been getting a lot of bloody noses! Today, as I was mopping, I got another one. And it just wouldn't stop! So, I stuffed it with tissue. I know, I know, it's gross, but things have to get done. About 90 minutes later, a knock on the door, for a pizza delivery! YAY! Well, when I opened the door, and got the strangest look ever, I thought for sure I'd forgotten to fasten my nursing tank again, but no, I still had the dang paper stuffed up my nose! I didn't take it out, though, like any normal person would. I wore that with pride! Way to go, Jean, you get a gold star.

Since these are the two that stick out the most in my memory, I will keep those as the only 2 I go into detail about. My entire life, I have been the absolute most clumsy person, who happens to have a lot of moments where attention is drawn because of tripping, falling, dropping things, etc. Now that I see my daughter has been graced with this exact same quality, I am forced to think back and remember all those times! Oh, for Annabelle's sake, I sure hope she finds her footing!

Although she has just began walking recently, she has already had countless injuries. She trips over nothing and everything. She loves to climb, and stand up on top of whatever she climbs up on, but falls off about 98% of the time. This poor girl is a walking concussion! Yesterday, while at the park, she went down the slide, and had turned sideways. She barely hit her head right on the edge of the slide, but somehow she had hit it hard enough to push the back of her earring into her head, cutting it and her earlobe open! Sigh...

When I took her for her check up last week, she had at least 3 bruises on each leg, a scratch on her back (from running into the wall), and a scratch on her face from a couple of weeks ago, that we don't even know HOW she got! Oh my goodness, I thought for sure the doctor was going to call the authorities on me! Lucky for me, clumsiness happens! ;)

Of all the moments so far in motherhood, I've noticed the ones that stand out are fantastic, but I've also come to realize that the ones I want so badly to not forget, are the random everyday moments. Holding the kids when they're upset and rubbing their backs to soothe them, and reading to them while they are still small enough to fit in my lap. Allowing myself to take a minute from the hectic day, and just look at their tiny faces that hold so much emotion! Hugs, and kisses, and the books they want to read 43 times in a row. Reminding myself that these are the things I'm going to want back has become a big priority.

So, in honor of my newfound love for the little things, when Annabelle wakes up in a few hours for her middle of the night feeding, instead of complaining, I'm going to smell her sweet hair, kiss her little fingers and toes, and just relish in the moment. While my baby is still my BABY! <3

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