Sunday, May 8, 2016

She Made me a Mother

This Mother's Day, I may not be celebrating with the 3 sweet children I had hoped for, but at least I have 1!

I know so many women who have struggled with infertility and miscarriage. I know that some women don't get to celebrate, but instead they get to be reminded that they still don't have that child they've dreamed of for so long. They still have to watch other families smiling, and talking about how blessed they are to have beautiful children.  For those women, my heart aches for you. I, too, have felt that pain.

I lost my two sweet twins 3 weeks ago, and I will never forget that I now have angels in Heaven instead of in my arms.

But, I also know I'm blessed. I still have one sweet daughter who has given me so much.

She has made me many things, but the best thing is that she made me a Mother!

She has made me laugh.

She has definitely made me cry.

She has made me question why I chose to become a Mother.

She has made me feel beautiful.

She has made me empathetic.

She has given me a new perspective.

She makes me see the beauty in the smallest things.

She makes me see the rationale in her irrational tantrums.

She has made me a zombie.

She has made me patient.

She has made me want to rip my hair out.

She has made me want to press pause on precious moments.

She has made me a hugger.

She has made me appreciate my parents so much.

I made a person. She made me a Mother.

On this day, and every other day of the rest of my life, I am a Mother. And to my sweet-evil-loving-tantruming-threenager.... Thank you for making me everything I've always wanted to be.

You are my angel, my darling, my star. And I will love you wherever you are!

Oh- I should probably thank my husband, too. Probably couldn't have made this human without him.