Saturday, April 4, 2015

If My Child Tells Me She's Gay

I've worked with children for a long time. In this amount of time, I have met some interesting people. Some people with strong beliefs, and some who want to believe, but find it hard. Some who have jobs as lawyers, and some who are struggling to put food on the table. I have come to know, love and respect so many people of so many backgrounds, demographics, ethnicities, religions, etc. But you know what I wonder? Why can't others? I don't need to get in to a debate about anything, but I just had to say one thing...

If your little girl prefers monster trucks to princesses, it doesn't mean she's a lesbian. If your son prefers playing with dolls over action figures, it's not going to 'turn' him gay. Even if you only buy your child 'gender appropriate' things, they could still be gay, because they were born that way.

If my daughter comes to me one day, and tells me "Mom, I'm attracted to girls," you know what I'll do? Hug her. I will tell her "I love you." I will tell her "Thank you for telling me. For feeling that you CAN tell me."

As a parent, my worst fears for what my daughter will become do not include being gay. She could do drugs. She could steal. She could murder. These are my fears. But being gay? Why is that a problem? You know what else she could be? Happy. Fulfilled. Loved. Successful. Seeing my daughter achieve these things in life will make me feel like my job as a parent was a success. I want her to feel confident and brave, and I want her to be able to be herself without having others judge her because she was born to love someone that doesn't fit the mold that we have created. I want her to be able to hold hands with the person she loves without feeling like she's being watched, or having to look over her shoulder, or being afraid for her LIFE.

I want my daughter to know that she can come to me for anything. I want her to know that we live in a world of acceptance, of freedom to be who she is. And if who she is, just so happens to be gay... I will still love her for always.