Friday, July 31, 2015

Trips, Love, and Toddler Tears

We have now officially lived in our new home, Singapore, for a week! Let me tell you, it's been an adventure already, but the real adventure was getting here!

My husband left at the beginning of June, so he could get a head start on the new job, and so I could tie up some loose ends in the states. I had it all planned out- finish off my last month as a Nanny, get the apartment in order and organized for the movers, take a long road trip home to Omaha, and spend a few quality weeks with family before moving across the world! Does anybody else ever get these amazing ideas, and when you're finished think "what the hell is wrong with me?" Well, I sure thought this, and still do!

Let's start with moving day. We were SO excited to move to Singapore, but when the movers came, it all got real. I stood there watching them pack away our lives from the past 4 years in San Antonio. This city brought such great things for us. We had our sweet baby girl there, and made some of the most incredible friends there. It hit me, as they're packing up my kitchen stuff, that I wouldn't have my best friend over for a spontaneous dinner again. Every piece of furniture had memories being packed away with it. It's so wonderful to be able to start a great new chapter in life, but it's so sad to say goodbye to the present when it's been so awesome! Saying goodbye to San Antonio was devastating. I know that we will see everyone again, but not knowing when is what makes it difficult! The friendships Annabelle had with all of the kids she spent her entire 2 years of life with, the friendships that helped me through the first years of motherhood, and a quite difficult pregnancy, these are the relationships that make you realize what a fantastic life you have! And it all becomes real when you see your life packed into a shipping container.

My Aunt came down from St. Louis to help me with the road trip I was about to embark on with my toddler and two dogs. We decided to stop overnight in Oklahoma City before continuing on to STL. Oklahoma was absolutely gorgeous! So green, so open, and so inviting! Our first day of driving was pretty great. Annabelle slept quite a bit, and didn't cry much at all! We went to dinner at apparently the number one rated pizza place in Oklahoma, then we went to this enormous lake and watched a beautiful sunset! The next day, we were on our way to STL! While we were on a turnpike, we took an exit because Annabelle said she needed to pee. So, we pull off at this rink a dink little gas station, and go into the bathroom. It was as nasty as one could expect from a random place in the middle of nowhere, so I just held her over the toilet bowl, and told her to do her thing. When she finished, I went to pull her pants back on, and what do I do? I dropped the Damn pants and underwear in the nasty toilet. GROSS! So, then I had to take her out of the bathroom with her whole bottom naked half hanging out, and search through our fifteen bags in the van to find her replacement pants! Luckily, we made it through the rest of the trip without any drama!

When we got to STL, we took a day off from driving, and had a day of fun! We went to a fun place called Grant's Farm, where Annabelle and my cousin took a pony ride and a camel ride! Annabelle also got her hair chewed on by a llama, and we got to meet a baby camel that was about the cutest thing ever!

The next day, Annabelle and I were on our own for a short 4 hour drive to my extended family in Illinois! This part of the family had never met Annabelle, and hadn't seen me since early in my pregnancy, so we were excited to get there! Annabelle slept for about 90% of the drive, so it was pleasant! Once we arrived, Annabelle got to meet most of my family, and we decided to stay a couple of extra days to try and miss the 4th of July traffic! So, instead of driving, we got pedicures! Annabelle was so excited, because she got to put her feet in the "pool" before they colored her toes!

The next day, we were finally on our way to Omaha! Yay! This leg of the trip was challenging, because Annabelle cried most of the time, and we were getting caught in thunderstorms for the majority if the drive. When we arrived in Omaha, it was so nice to be home again! Spending two weeks with my family made me so grateful that we made that time for them. We also got to spend some good time with my nephew, and that was precious! I also decided while we were there, that for my mom's birthday, she really needed her bathroom remodeled, so my twin and I redid it. It turned out beautiful, but it was HARD and consumed a much bigger amount of time than we anticipated! Nonetheless, our time in Omaha is something I cherish, as we had time to reconnect, and for everyone to get an opportunity to get to know Annabelle!

Now, on to the fun trip to Singapore. We had a short 40 minute flight to Minneapolis, and that flight was magical! Annabelle was so well behaved and was just so excited to be on an "aipay." I was excited, and was feeling so optimistic about our upcoming flights. Let me tell you, I'm an IDIOT! That next flight was 14 HOURS FROM HELL. Seriously, a nightmare. I felt like Freddy Kruger had gone into my archives, found my idea of the worst possible way this flight could go, and made it happen. My child screamed for the ENTIRE trip. Actually, she stopped screaming during the times we went to the restroom. She would run through the aisles laughing hysterically, and running up to random people, touch their screens and say "WAS DAT?" Then, once in the restroom, every single time, she pushed the "call attendant" button, so each time, we got a knock on the door and "are you okay, do you need assistance?" Literally every person around us moved, except for the person sitting right next to me. Oh my Lord. By the end of that flight, we had been awake and napless for about 20 hours, and we still had a 7 hour flight to take. While we were in Tokyo, I watched everyone watching us as Annabelle threw herself on the floor screaming and throwing tantrums for various reasons, and I assured them that this is exactly the behavior they can expect on the flight. I'm pretty sure they thought I was kidding, but I could see the fear in their eyes! The last flight was okay, and Annabelle only screamed for about an hour, but I had to hold her on my lap for the entirety of the trip for her to sleep. Needless to say, when we arrived in Singapore, I was less than thrilled, and not in the best of moods.

But, seeing her see her Daddy after 7 weeks, was the sweetest thing! She ran to him with open arms, screeching with delight! What a moment!

Now we are here in Singapore, trying to thow ourselves into the culture and really make the most of this incredible opportunity we've been given! So far, we've explored the big malls, the Gardens, and the cloud forest! Annabelle has managed to throw several tantrums at all of the locations, and it won't be long before everyone knows our names!

We've gotten a lot of questions about the weather here. I can tell you it is the most dense, wet, HOT climate I have ever experienced. The humidity is so intense, it almost feels heavy on your skin. We are literally glistening, and dripping with sweat all day, and often times need to change clothes. But, this place is also gorgeous, and just booming with wildlife and scenery! We can't wait to share our amazing times here with you! Thanks for sticking with us!!