Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Super Mom?

During my hiatus away from this ever-so-popular blog, there was so much that happened, that there is no way I can possibly begin to put it all onto the screen. Let me start by telling you that the good days have begun to outweigh the bad, which is great, because for quite some time it was the other way around! To help all of us get through the days, I have been staying away from my phone as much as possible, only logging on to Facebook about twice a day, and eating a LOT of cookies. Everything is better with a cookie, right?

I have also been reading up on several other blogs and such. The parenting blogs these days crack me up so bad. I have gone from reading ones like "We do not touch our Vulvas at the Table," to something like "7 Million things your toddler will do to piss you off today." Wait, I think that last one was just a title I'm coming up with....heh. ;)

Today I read a couple of very interesting articles. The first one hit right at home. It was about parents feeling the need to be Super Mom. Let me tell you, I am definitely not super in any way. While I may humbly laugh it off and act like I've got it together, I know the truth! The article goes on to say that parents are under so much pressure to be so involved in every part of their child's day, that they end up withdrawing themselves instead. It said that with social media, we see all of the amazing crafts, and workouts, and gourmet lunches, and projects, etc., that we tend to think that we can't live up to other people. This causes anxiety, and we start stressing over ridiculous things. For instance, I can tell you that I probably tell my husband at least twice a week that I am a terrible mother, and shouldn't have been allowed to be a parent. I lose my patience, I cry all the time, I leave the dishes in the sink sometimes, and sometimes I have to re-wash a load of laundry because I forgot it was in the washer. But you know what? So do other people. We feel anxious that we aren't doing all of the amazing things some people do, but, we also don't know what their lives are like OFFLINE. Online, I have a smiley little 20 month old, who is just the sweetest thing. My online self is a LIAR. This is not my child. She does not smile for the camera EVER, and is probably screaming in the picture that looks like a smile! She also has several tantrums a day and is like a rabid hyena hyped up on 17 Redbulls. Anyway, to get to my point, this article is basically telling us to just step back for a minute and realize that things are okay, and everyone has problems, and toddlers throwing fits over the most irrational things imaginable.

The next article I happened to read today, was about a dad. He said the doctors were concerned that his breastfed child was not getting enough to eat, and needed formula to help him gain. After talking it over with his wife, who was refusing to give in, he decided to come to the child's daycare everyday, and feed him a 4 oz bottle of formula. As a breastfeeding mother, I was also told to supplement for my baby, who was early and underweight. I also chose to disregard the suggestion and only breastfed. I understand the mother's reluctance, and I also understand the father's reasoning. HOWEVER, I also have to say, that if my husband was generally concerned about the well being of my child, I would hope that he respected me enough to tell me how he was feeling, as opposed to going behind my back to give our child something that we hadn't agreed upon. I'm not one to openly discuss controversial topics, but how does this sit with other parents out there?

Back to life as we know it. I recently celebrated my 2 year Nanny-versary! YAY me! Looking back over those two years, all I can think about is, holy cow time sure goes by fast! When I started this fantastic journey into Nannyhood, I was a mere 14 weeks pregnant, and was taking care of a 2 1/2 year old, and newborn. Now, just 2 short years later, I take care of 4!! My how things have changed! Lets see what has changed....

I am ready to go to bed, before I wake up for the day.

I base my days on how many kids are grumpy

My husband and I discuss poop and sleep schedules more than we discuss the news

I count the minutes until nap time and bed time

I hear Heavenly Angels sing every time I lay the baby down to sleep

Breastfeeding has given me a hunch back

And terrible boobs

And a whole new outlook on built-in bras

I have made the most amazing friends in my MOMS Club (Seriously, you know who you are)

I judge how important errands are, by how many kids I have to buckle in!

We base our Costco trips on what time the samples are out!

And last but certainly not least...

I feel more love and happiness from these children, than I ever knew was possible!

Children definitely have a way of dancing on your nerves. Seriously, they love to dance. But, even though sometimes I really don't like my child very much (I'm not ashamed to admit it), she is the only person who can make me smile no matter how I'm feeling. My boss and I always say that God made kids cute, because he knew that was the only way they could survive! Thank goodness for the cuteness, because otherwise, you would be seeing me on an episode of Snapped! ;)

So, I will now end my rambling! And, in true MommyNanny Jean fashion, I will end this blog with a spectacular photo montage of random moments from my (seemingly) well put-together life!! Enjoy!

 We took a family vacation to Florida, and Annabelle loved the beach
 The tiger was probably more terrified...
 Is there a better place to nurse??
 Like I said, Heavenly Angels sing when the baby goes to sleep!
 Love this girl!
 The reason I do what I do!
 Uncle Jac came to visit us for 2 weeks!! Annabelle adores him!
 She's crazy
 My Nanny-versary photo!
 They love the water!
 Singing the "Let's go Pee Pee" song...
 Surprise Birthday present, for the most deserving boss!
 Her baby had to nurse, too.
 Playground fun!

Her current favorite thing in the world, ICE!
Thanks for reading! Enjoy your back to school days!