Thursday, January 16, 2014

Human Afterall

Although I generally strive to earn the title, Ultimate Super Nanny Mommy Jean, sometimes I have to be just Human Jean.

I have a generally optimistic, cheery disposition. However, every once in awhile, I have a bad day. We all have them, I know, but sometimes they are just particularly rough days. Where absolutely nothing seems to be going right. These are almost always the days when the following events take place...

We have a place to be, with all children, at a time that falls right at nap.
All kids are in moods that require non stop cuddling, whining, talking to.
Both babies decide to poop in their friggin diapers like 94 times.
The piranha that is my child was up all night, because she is clearly starving and needs to eat NOW.
Mommy slept through her alarm 9 times, and woke up with 12 minutes to get ready.

For example;
We need to be out of the house at 8:40 to make it to or destination by 9. At 8:35, one baby WILL poop. There's no doubt about it. When that baby is changed, the other one will go. Now, it is 8:43. We have to put jackets on, get out the door, and get loaded into the van. Once everyone is loaded, we will back out of the driveway, and realize we forgot to bring something we absolutely needed. It's now 8:47. In San Antonio, 13 minutes is sometimes not enough time to make a left turn, let alone drive 5 miles away. Crazy traffic. Also, I DO NOT speed. Ever. If I'm in a hurry, I might go the actual speed limit. This drives a lot of people crazy, but I happen to have a pretty bad paranoia problem. So, I would rather get to our destination on time, or even a minute late, than be responsible for harming 3 children, or others. Anyway, the person who is most bothered by my slow driving, just so happens to be the cute little girl in the backseat. "Jean, do you think you might be able to drive a little faster today?" is a question I hear everytime we get in the car. Lol. This always makes me giggle. Now my day is better. :)

Before becoming a mother, I always wondered how people could be so stressed out just from having a child. Afterall, I took care of at least 10 children on a daily basis. The difference? You get to give the kids back!! Lol. If the kid was sick, you call the mom and get them out of there! Obviously, I didn't get this part of parenthood. They rely on you for every single thing. Good lord! Thank goodness I have a great support system. My poor boss gets so many texts from me about fevers, nursing, skin irritations, crankiness, etc. My poor Mom gets every single bad day phone call. And the poor husband.... enough said.

So, for every good week, I have a really really hard, bad day. I cry, I whine, I compare my life to others', and I ask WHYYYYY MEEEEEE? I'm not the only one, right?

After receiving rough news this week, I was having one of those days (which also included every one of those events previously listed). After my hours of pitying myself, I try to realize that if this is as bad as it gets, it's still pretty damn good! I have a house, a FAMILY, food on my table, and my health. These are things that so many people in the world don't have. As hard as it is for me to remember sometimes, living in this materialistic world is hard. And it's not just hard for me. It's hard for everyone. I hope as Annabelle (and the other kiddos) grow up, and start recognizing the world, that I can help them realize, that just because we might not have what everyone else has, we do have what we need. And that there are so many people all over the world who would love to have exactly what we do.

So, moral of my story? I pretty much need to quit whining! Yep.

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